If your organization is struggling to on how to meet its financial targets for 2013 and you are concerned about 2014 budget challenges,  this is the perfect time to conduct a telecom audit.

By doing an audit now, you may get retroactive telecom credits in 2013 and start 2014 with a lower run rate.

No Downside!

A telecom audit conducted by TelecomConsult is a no risk audit that will not cost you anything relative to what you pay today.  We only get paid if we find you savings.   We work independently and let you focus on your current priorities, while giving you an opportunity to reduce costs at the same time.

Added Bonus!  While conducting an audit, we can learn about your organization and processes to potentially help you further identify cost reduction opportunities in the months to come upon contract expiries, through more efficient telecom processing and better cost control techniques.

Contact us at sales@telecomconsult.ca or at 416 204-0261.

Do you need all of the services you are paying for?

Periodically, an organization needs to do an assessment to see if all of those VPN or DSL solutions are needed for remote workers and telecommuters.  Perhaps people have left the organization but their cellular plans were not terminated.  A telecom audit be experienced staff can identify areas where you are paying for services that are no longer needed.

Does your accounts payable department know all of the rates that should be paid on a bill?

It is not unusual for a busy accounts payable department to simply pay telecom invoices.  they are complex, difficult to understand and if someone ordered a service, then it must be needed and the telecom provider must be billing us properly. Right?   Well even if the telecom provider gets the billing right initially, there are changes to services over time that might not be properly reflected in billing.  Maybe a service was cancelled but continues to be billed.  Maybe a service was moved from one location to another and you are being billed at both locations.  Maybe a negotiated contract change was made, but not properly reflected in billing.  It is not unusual or even difficult to understand that a percentage of billing will be incorrect.  This all adds up.  An experienced telecom auditor knows where to look to find these errors.  By working with TelecomConsult, your team can continue to work on their day to day priorities and our experience d team can look for ways to save you money at no additional cost.

Did you get that credit?

It is possible that you may have been entitled to a credit for a service outage, a discount for achieving some billing commitment, or for a billing error.  Don’t assume that because your telecom provider told it would be processed that it will.  Telecom billing is fraught with manual interventions, particularly for large organizations with customized services.  Have experts verify that you are recieving all of the credits to which you are entitled.



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