On November 12, 2013, Bell and Bell Aliant submitted requests to the CRTC to increase all non-contracted Centrex rates by about 10% in all Rate Bands effective January 1, 2013.  Rates for locals will be between $82.80 per month and $97.57 per month, depending upon the Rate Band.

This is nothing more than an attempt to further gouge customers as they come off contracts and migrate to SIP based services with other telecom providers.  They put themselves to “waive” the excessive non-contracted monthly fees if you migrate to another Bell service.  Not exactly a customer focused approach to keeping a relationship. If there is another justification for the need for a 10% rate increase and the rationale for an $80+ monthly local fee, I’d like to hear it.

This speaks to the need to plan for telecom contract expiries well in advance.  Don’t let Bell/Bell Aliant hold you hostage.  Take the time to review your contracts or engage a firm with experience who can help you plan your contract management and telecom cost optimization.

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